Where are you at?
You are looking to learn and develop your Tai Chi practice but do not feel that the class format is enough and want more or are unable to fit a class format into your life at present.
You have trained with us for a while now and ready to bring your practice to the next level. You want to dedicate the time and effort to further your practice and need personal guidance.
What problems might you be facing right now?
Your lifestyle make it difficult to attend all our classes or you need more training. You need more personal guidance and want to work one on one with your teacher alongside the classes.
What you need help with right now?
You are looking to work more closely with your teacher to support and enhance your own practice.
You would like help with your technique and want to learn what your doing with the practices of Tai Chi so that you feel more comfortable and confident in a class.
You want your teacher’s full time and attention.
How the Premium Program can help you?
With the option of one to one sessions or one to one sessions combined with regular classes, we can tailor a practice to support your own needs and give you the knowledge to apply what you learn to your life. Working one to one gives the opportunity to discuss what is working for you what is not make changes and work together to develop a practice that truly supports the body and guides you towards a level of knowledge, skills, health and well-being that you were unaware was possible.