Physical Improvement Program

Where are you at?

You know you should be doing something about your health, the nagging ache, movement discomfort and sedentary lifestyle. You know that you are not moving freely as you used to and it’s not getting better as you get older. You have friends or family members who do Tai Chi and you understand the benefits of it but you just never got round to trying a class! Or you tried other classes but just didn’t like the airy feiry approach to teaching.

What problems might you be facing right now?

You spend hours sitting at a desk or you travel a lot for work. You spend hours either sitting or standing and feel that this is contributing to your back ache, posture and discomforts. You used to do some exercise (walk, run, cycle) but you either stopped because life got in the way or because your injuries don’t allow you to do high impact activities any more. You travel quite a bit for work so you find it hard to commit to one class but at the same time you like the idea of having a teacher’s help. Or you might be retired and looking for ways to improve fitness and general mobility.

What you need help with right now?

You need to get a regular exercise routine which will allow you to re-gain your fitness and flexibility without affecting your joints. You want to strengthen up without having to sweat it out at the gym. You are looking for a small, friendly group class so that you are not feeling lost in a huge, faceless exercise class.

You know you need help and assistance with your posture and technique so you prefer a highly experienced teacher who offers hands-on corrections and advice that goes beyond the class. You need advice on how to apply the movement principles from the class in your everyday life and not just for that 1hr in class.

You want the flexibility to keep your exercise going even when you are travelling or at home with online exercise videos from someone you know in person and trust.

How can our program help you?

A mixture of the ancient art of Tai Chi and the modern scientific approach of Physiotherapy, the program is designed to retrain your body to move efficiently in the best possible way. Following the program you will get a sense of accomplishment, new body awareness and you will start to see movement and exercise more as a choice rather a chore.

Each class has a maximum limit of 8-12 so you get the personal attention and support you need in a group environment. The teacher will offer hands-on corrections so you can make the changes you need in your alignment and posture. Advice and tips for things to do outside the class so you can continue to improve. Motivation and accountability so you meet your goals and see the changes you want to see.

It includes:
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  • Access to one class per week for 10 weeks
  • Permanent access to private and exclusive Members’ area with videos for you to do at home or when travelling.
  • Permanent access to private Facebook group where you can get info and advice from a professional therapist about anything you want.

To find out more about our 10 week Physical Improvement Program please fill in the form below.